Xbox subscription cancellations and refunds

You can cancel an Xbox subscription at any time. Turning off recurring billing will stop future charges for a subscription and grant you its benefits until its expiration date. You may also be eligible to cancel immediately with a refund; however, not all subscription charges can be refunded.
Learn how to cancel an Xbox subscription and check for refund eligibility in the “Cancelling a subscription” section below.
In the following countries, you have the right to cancel a subscription that has recurring billing with immediate effect and receive a prorated refund as described in the Microsoft Consumer Subscription Prorated Refund Policy:
MarketsProrated refund policy
Finland, Germany (purchases from March 1, 2022), Netherlands, Poland, Portugal
Available for the last subscription renewal charge for subscription terms greater than one month
Canada, Denmark, France, Israel, Korea, Türkiye
Available for the last subscription charge
For more info, go to:

My subscriptions

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Terms and refund policies

Cancelling a subscription


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Monday to Friday: 6:00am-5:00pmSaturday to Sunday: 6:00am-5:00pm

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Monday to Sunday: 24 hours a day

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